Sunday, 27 July 2008

A just free world will happen sooner upon the extinction of the cult we call freemasonry

Freemasonry is without doubt the common denominator in all countries of the world.The world is split with different faiths and religions but is united with this virus called freemasonry that builds its lodges in nearly every town and city in the world and infesting every public/corporate/private sector from governments to judiciary from top army personnel to MI5 intelligence...the list is endless.


Anonymous said...

Hi baby, you have no valid proof, besides gasrose's full name haha.. how sad is your fucking life?????.

Does it feel good publishing someone's real name to the world wide web does it?. like you and the rest of Icke's sheep you can all fuck and suck your own dicks...

You fucking mason. go rape some kids.

masonfreeparty said...

Gasrose aka lee much did MI5 pay ya to set up the scousers 911 uk group? come on ya scally own up

masonfreeparty said...

still waiting Gasrose soft lad